Parents Evening
Our information Evening for our different Environment were held on the 29th and 30th of January. General and specific information relevant to the routine and operations of the Environments were shared. To show how we use the varied activities in the Areas some of our parents engaged in presentations.

World Cancer Day
We joined CHOC on the 4th of February to raise awareness of Cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection and treatment. Our learners were all excited for Flip Flop Day.

Keep Fit and Nutrisious Snack Day
“I never knew Provita tasted this good.’’ 7th of February we engaged in stretching, making of healthy snacks, Dancersize and activities to make us more aware of healthy living and exercise. A fun filled day had by all.

Friendship Day
Friendship Day was held on the 14th February to teach our children the value of being good friends, making good friends and reinforce how we treat each other.
Learners dressed up in Pink, Yellow and White and each Environment dressed up a Mascot to represent the meaning of Friendship.

Sit Down Luncheon
The Primary Environment initiated their first sit down luncheon on the 6th February to bring to the fore table manners and etiquette. Learners were divided into teams and the team for today carried all duties with excellence. A remark by Nketli “This is what team work is all about’’ was truly inspiring.